商业通知书和通函的写法 : (Circular Letters; Circulars)在商业活动中使用较广的一种文书。通常用于:(1)开业。(2)商店的转让与承受。(3)公司的组织与改组。(4)商店的移址。(5)人员聘用、赋予代理权,解聘。(6)合伙人的加入,退出。(7)合同的合并。(8)分公司或办事处的设立与废止。(9)清算,债权债务的处理等。通知书(CircularLetters)和通函(Circulars)是不相同的。前者完全按照书信的格式写,而后者仅仅是印刷体的通告(Announcements),有时可以无抬头或日期。为了扩大通知书或通函的书信效果,要特别注意内容、语法和格式的准确以及外观的美观。若要收到更大的效果,必要时一封一封分别打字后寄发。请参考:
THE JAPAN TRADING CO.,LTD. Marunouchi,Tokyo. JAPAN January7,19— Messrs.Charles Briggs & Co. 10Market Street San Francisco.Cal. U.S.A. Gentlemen: We have the pleasure to inform you that on January 1,we have established ourselves as commission mer- chants for the Japanese goods at the above address. You will be interested to find that our extensive con- nections with Japanese manufacturers and the Pos- session of large capital will enable us to execute or- ders at the lowest possible prices,and we,there- fore,hope to receive your orders. References:The First Bank,Ltd Tokyo, and the National Bank,New York. We hope to receive your inquiries when in the mar- ket. Yours very truly, THE JAPAN TRADING CO.LTD. K KATA(手写体) K.Kato.President |
东京丸之内 日本贸易股份有限公司
总经理 加藤幸